There are few things as wonderful as getting a massage. The relaxing ambiance, the soft kneading slowly ebbing away your sore muscles or kinks, the unavoidable feeling of complete relaxation. The only thing that beats this experience is doing it with someone you love instead of by yourself. Getting a couples massage can be a great bonding experience out of which both parties come out happy, healthy, glowing, and above all, absolutely calm and relaxed.
A couples massage is a shared experience designed for two people where each person involved receives a relaxing massage from a therapist. The massages are provided at the same time, in the same private room, but in different massage beds (one per person). The massage therapists start both massages at the same time and coordinate the treatment for the couple to ensure both parties get the same shared experience. The ambiance tends to be relaxing, dark, and calm in order to make the most out of the experience.
Avantara Spa Borivali West, Body Massage in Borivali West